About us?
Our dogs
Our litters


~ Petra with Emi & Charissa with Gigi ~

~ Lichelle with Emi ~
are Petra and Charissa, mother and daughter, we share our passion for
dogs. Petra lives with a part of the pack (and has Siberian Cats),
Charissa lives with the other part from the pack. Both living in
Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands. Since Petra was
little, she was a real doglover, Charissa shares the same passion
for breeding and Lichelle loves to help with our dogs too. Since
November 2021 Charissa became co-owner from our kennel.
Petra was raised with dogs
and from the moment
lived on her own she had the wish to have her own dog. It did not took
long to see her wish come
true. The first choice was a Labrador Retriever because of their looks
and character. She got her first dog in 1994 and we got many years 3
Labradors in our family which we have bred with for a few times.
Due to health reasons of Petra we had to decide to quit breeding with our Labradors.
Than our wish for a smaller breed began and soon we had our first
Havanese. With pain in our heart we had to rehome our Labradors after a divorce. Pure made out of
love for them because we couldn't give them any more what they needed.
Love and care means to make choices that makes you sad but are only
taken in the best interest for your pets. Luckily they had found a great
home and we stayed in contact with them. Beginning of 2021 our last Labrador has passed away. Rest in peace dears.

A live without dogs is unthinkable for us. The Havanese was one of
the little breeds that attracted us. A small cute dog that suits easily
to every situation. A dog that loves children, cats and other dogs. We
adore their loyal look. We became member of the Havanese association and contacted with several
breeders for information.
Our goal is to breed happy healthy Havanese. We try to combine new
bloodlines from abroad that are well known. We hope to give our part for
positive breeding to keep the breed healthy and as it was meant to be.
Character and health is a special goal for our breeding because we only breed with
tested parents with good character.
How the Havanese entered our life was in a very special way. In a
book about the Havanese we saw a 'famous' painting from Renoir from
"Luncheon of the Boating Party" there is a
Havanese on that painting. Petra her grand-mother used to have this
at her home. The mother of Petra still got that painting. It was during
the time we were searching for a Havanese puppy. But what happened?
Petra her
loved to make embroideries and had made a piece of that painting by
just this piece with the woman and the Havanese. Coincidence? Maybe but
during our holiday in Spain we were in contact with a breeder about a
Havanese puppy but this puppy was in option. The same day we heard that
the puppy was available for us there was again "a sign"............ We
went to a restaurant from friends from Petra her mother and when we got
menu my heart stopped for a minute.......... There it was the painting
on the front of the menu!!! We don't know if it is meant to be but
believe so...
Shortly after we found our first Havanese in Germany. After a long
ride 5 hours we were immediately enchanted by this beautiful girl
"Baribal's Wild Rosebud". We called her 'Chanty' derived
from Shanti a name from Sanskrit with the meaning inner peace and
that she gave me! She is the start from our breeding with Havanese to
continue our kennel. Chanty is retired in 2021, she gaves us beautiful
and sweet puppies, but her good lines will keep going in our kennel.

From left to right: Painting from Renoir "Luncheon of the Boating
Party" -
the embroid painting made by Petra her grandmother - menu from the restaurant
September 2020 we also have a Chihuahua in the house, her name is Emi,
she is fully accepted and has a lot of fun with our Havanese and they
with her. Yes it is a different breed but it was a dream for me
to have a Chihuahua
for a long time. Lovely a little princess in the house.
has followed the course KK1 (dog breeding knowledge part 1) and
KK2 (dog
breeding knowledge part 2)
therefor she has gained a lot of knowledge about breeding with dogs.
She also has followed
First Aid for dogs and cats and goes to meetings about new breeding
information. Ofcourse Charissa has learn the skills from Petra.
We choose the name 'van het
Hondenpaleis' meaning "from the Dog Palace" because our dogs are
treated and raises as real prince and princesses. Our home a Palace for
humans and animals. Our first breeding girl (Labrador Retriever) her
name was Xara meaning Queen so very suitable. We hope to welcome a lot
of princes and princesses in our home.
Our kennel
name "v.h. Hondenpaleis" is registered on 13th of November
2008 with
the Raad van Beheer op kynologisch gebied with number 266131. Since 16 November 2021 Charissa is co-owner of our kennel.
Wij are member of Eerste Gezelschapshonden Club Nederland