Goodbye dear Jolly -
03 januari 2025
* 12th of March 2016 - 02nd of January 2025 †
Enjoyable Jolly v.h. Hondenpaleis
Rest in Peace dear Jolly, forever in our hearts.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year! - 21th of December 2024
We wish you all a happy en healthy 2025!
From all the dogs v.h. Hondenpaleis:
~ Chanty, Jolly, Nusia, Emi, Nessa, Jentl, and Lotty ~
~ Gigi, Scotty and Chendo ~
With love, Petra, Charissa & Lichelle
Puppies born! - 29th of November 2024:
Inessa and Chendo got three beautiful puppies, welcome little ones.
More information see our page: N-litter

Puppies expected from Inessa and Chendo beginning of December 2024 - 13th of October 2024:
had a love date with Chendo, if all goes well we will expect puppies beginning of December 2024.
More information see our page: puppies
Dogshow Rotterdam - 01th of September 2024:
entered the show again. She did a lot better standing, but walking
needs more practice. She was a little jumping goat LOL.
For now she got very good. It was a lovely, nice day in good company.

EGCN Clubmatch Apeldoorn - 04th of August 2024:
since a long time ago again appearing at show. Lotty her first real
show. She was overwhelmed and impressed with all and she was shocked at
the judge table while she normally is very open. It was all to much for
her. She got very good and we are going to practice more and try again!

KCWF Jonge hondendag Heerhugowaard - 26th of May 2024:
a long time again appearance at a show in our own town at Kynologen
Club West Friesland. There was a show for young pure bred dogs from
3-24 months. Chendo was in the 18-24 months selection and had
"major" opponents but became 2d!! He did very well for the first time.
Lotty was in the 9-18 months selection, but the weather turned bad and
it was no good to show anymore on grass so when all calm down she had a
kind of show but it really felt in the water. A nice experience for
Lotty but no placing.

Chendo second place!!!
Proud of Lotty!
Siena forever with Morris - 24th of May 2024:
Siena had one litter with us but is happier as a pet. She will stay with her friend Morris and owner Mieke.
We hope you are happy in your forever home. Good luck sweet Princess,
always in our hearts!

Puppies born from Jentl and Chendo! - 8th of December 2023:
Jentl and Chendo became proud parents from 7 beautiful puppies.
More information on their own page M-litter

Puppies expected from Jentl and Chendo - 04th of November 2023:
had an love affaire with Chendo and it was succesfull, its confirmed
with ultrasound. They expect puppies mid December 2023.
More information see our page: puppies
Welcome Lotty! - 9th of May 2023:
very happy to announce that Lotty (Love you a lot v.h. Hondenpaleis)
will stay in our family. Lotty is our 5th generation in line.
Welcome lovely Lotty!

Puppies from Inessa and Bart are born! - 7th of March 2023:
Inessa and Bart are proud to present their 5 beautiful puppies.
More info on their page L-litter

Puppies from Siena and Bart are born! - 17th of February 2023:
Siena and Bart are proud to present their 6 beautiful puppies.
More info on their page K-litter

!!!DOUBLE NEWS!!! Puppies expected from Siena and Inessa? - 19th of January 2023:
Siena had an date with Bart, the pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound. Their litter is expected end of February 2023.
But our Inessa also had a love date with Bart, we have to wait a
few weeks for the ultrasound to confirm if it also resulted in a
pregnancy, to be continued.
If their date was succesfull, their litter will be expected mid March 2023.
More info see our page puppies
Happy new year! - 1th of January 2023
We wish you all a happy en healthy 2023!
From all the dogs v.h. Hondenpaleis and their owners
~ Chanty, Jolly, Nusia, Emi, Nessa, Jentl, Scotty, Gigi and Chendo ~
With love, Petra, Charissa & Lichelle

Quiero and his new best friend Jack - 14th of November 2022:
Unfortunately Quiero
wasn't happy in a live full of changes, living in two houses and a
large pack of dogs. Finnaly we decided that loving someone means also
to let them go for their happiness. There was only one option for us to
let Quiero go and that was with Jolanda and her family and our "puppy"
Jack. We were so convinced he would be better of there and we were
right it was a golden match! He has found his new best friend Jack and
enjoys long walks and the balanced life. Good luck sweet Quiero,
always in our hearts!

Havanese reunion vh Hondenpaleis - 13th of November 2022:
Before Covid-19
we organised yearly an reunion for our litters and yearly beach walk.
Unfortunately this wasn't possible due to the circumstances. But now
all was being like normal again it was time to organise the yearly
reuninon again. And there were a lot of enthusiastic owners who wanted
to join. So on Sunday 13th of November it was a busy Havanese take-over
on the beach from Egmond aan Zee. From most litters there were
offspring and ofcourse our own pack was also there. We had lovely
weather and enjoyed it very much! Will be continued.... A few pictures
from te day:

Welcome Chendo - 8th of October 2022:
lovely and sweet boy conquered our hearts in no-time and a few
weeks later we could welcome him in our home. Hopefully he will be a
great addition to our kennel to maintain diversity in our breeding
program. Welcome dear Chendo!

Summer fun! - 3th of August 2022
holiday time in the summer we always have the dogs from a friend if she is away and other way if we are away she takes care of
our pack. An ideal situation with a large pack of dogs that is used to
each other. It's always a party and we love to go to a fenced
playground for dogs, were they can run and play freely. Always fun to
have the large family together and also a picture from 4
generations together with Inessa, mother Glowy, grandmother Jolly
and great-grandmother Chanty.
Welcome Quiero - 15th of January 2022:
wanted to expand our kennel with a new boy, from healthy and good
lines, that would match with our daughters from Scotty. It's always
difficult to find something but after a while we saw this cutie on
Facebook. This young boy was from a kennel from Poland and had a very
nice pedigree. He was our match and would be a great fit with our girls
in the future. We had lovely contact with his breeder and we decided to
get him to join our kennel. (Te) Quiero
means in Spanish "I love you" well to love him is easy and we think he
will be loved, and he will give a lot of love, in future!
Good luck dear Siena - 3th of January 2022:
our J-litter we kept Jentl and Siena to see how they would grown
and to keep our lines for future breeding. Unfortunately was Siena not
a good match for our pack. This was not nice for nobody and we had to
make the hard decission to let her go. We found a lovely home with Mieke and Morris. Good luck sweetheart!
Happy New Year! - 1th January 2022
We wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2022!
From all the dogs and their owners:
~ Chanty, Jolly, Nusia, Emi, Nessa, Jentl, Siena, Scotty, Gigi and Quiero ~
With love, Petra, Charissa & Lichelle

Happy Holidays! -
December 2021
We wish everyone merry christmas!
From all dogs and their owners
~ Chanty, Jolly, Nusia, Emi, Nessa, Jentl, Siena ~
With love, Petra, Charissa & Lichelle

New Co-owner! - 16th of November 2021:
We did already for years all together but now it is official and is Charissa co-owner from our kennel.
It's approved with the association Raad van Beheer (FCI).
Welcome Charissa! Hope for many more years to share our passion together!

Welcome Jentl and Siena! - 17th of April 2021:
long thinking we decided not to keep 1 but 2 girls from the J-litter.
Both are amazing and we want to keep our breedinglines. We hope they
will be suitable in the future to continue our breeding lines. We are
very happy to add Jentl and Siena to our family. Welcome little ones
Jentl and Siena!

Thank you Glowy! - 04th of March 2021:
was born with us but lived with another family. We are very happy, with her daugter,
Inessa (Isn't she lovely v.h. Hondenpaleis) we hope she will develop as
we wish and continue our kennel in
the future.
Puppies from Chanty and Scotty are born! - 22th of February 2021:
Chanty and Scotty are proud to present their 6 beautiful puppies.
More info on their page J-litter

Puppies expected end of February! - 06th of February 2021:
Chanty and Scotty expecting their litter the end of February 2021.
We are very excited about this wonderful combination.
It will probably be Chanty her last litter.
All puppies are pre-reserved!

Welcome Inessa! - 29th of January 2021:
Today we welcome Inessa. Inessa was born from our I-litter from Glowy and Scotty.
Inessa is the greatgranddaughter from our Chanty, granddaughter from our Jolly and
daughter from our Scotty. It is very nice to have te next generation
that hopefully will continue our lines. She got a very warm
welcome from our doggies and is already best friends with Emi
and Nusia.
Welcome little one Nessy!

Saying goodbye to our dear Labrador Xara -
06 januari 2021
* 17th of March 2008 - 06th of January 2021 †
Xara (pedigree name: Beau)
The end of a period, the first mother from our kennel is gone. She past away this afternoon.
She will stay forever in our hearts. Rest in Peace dear Xara.
Happy Holidays! - December 2020
We wish you a
merry christmas
and a joyfull, loving and healthy Coronaproof 2020!
From all our dogs v.h. Hondenpaleis and their owners
~ Chanty, Jolly, Gigi, Nusia, Scotty, Emi ~
With love, Petra, Charissa & Lichelle
Puppies from Glowy and Scotty are born!
- 04th of December 2020:
Glowy and Scotty became parents of 5 gorgeous puppies.
More information on their page: I-litter

Puppies expected in December! - 06th of November 2020:
We expect puppies in December from our Glowy and Scotty. For both it will be their first litter.
We are looking forward to this lovely combination.
Something new in het Hondenpaleis! - 25th of September 2020:
the end of September we have a new puppy. Emi is a Chihuahua, a
different breed than our Havaneses but it was a long wish for me to add
a little princess in our house.
Ofcourse we stay true to the Havanese!

Anniversary kennel name excists 12,5 years! - 13th of May 2020:
kennel name v.h. Hondenpaleis has been registered with the Raad
van Beheer op kynologisch gebied (FCI) on the 13th of November 2008 and
is now 12,5 years old!
Started with our Labradors Xara and Nora and continued with our Havenese Chanty en Jolly, with a total from 8 litters till now.
We hope to welcome more puppies in our Palace were all the puppies will be treated like princes and princesses.
New on our
Youtube page! - 04th of
April 2020:
about the maintenance of the Havanese you can find on our Youtube page
click below to see:

models in these video's are Nusia and
Happy Holidays! -
December 2019:
We wish you a
merry christmas
and a joyfull, loving and healthy 2020!
From all our dogs v.h. Hondenpaleis and their owners
~Chanty, Jolly, Gigi, Nusia & Scotty~
With love, Petra, Charissa & Lichelle

Winner kerstshow - 22th of
December 2019:
Scotty his
first show and
he was awesome! Walking like a proud baby after his practise for the
last few weeks. He let the judge feel his body and stands for a few
minutes and then he was a clown. Showing his tricks sitting, laying
down, standing. He was so proud he did a little jump of joy at the end.
So proud of our little charmer. He got a very promissing and was best
young puppy (although he was alone he deserved it!)
Scotty! - 4th
of November 2019:
We have a
little charmer picked
up with Nancy Fassott from kennel Star of
Welcome little guy, you were a big surprise and it was love at first
We had no plans to buy a new boy but you were irresistible!

Kensho has found
his forever
home! - 12th of November 2019:
After a long
search (because we
were picky) finally Kensho has found his forever home. Three years he
was very happy with Marjan and her family in Schagen but unfortunately
they decided to go travel back and forth to USA and the Netherlands.
After he was neutered he moved to his new family in Limburg were he
felt almost immediately at home. Monique and Frans are very happy with
their new friend. Happy ending after all!

Rest in peace
dear Vano
† - 19th of October 2019:
Too young we
had to say goodbye
to our beloved Vano.
Vano was seriously sick and died at the age of 1,5
years of
You leave a big empty space in our hearts dear Vano. Rest in peace our
little buddy †
The puppies from
and Kensho
- 15th of June 2019:
Chanty and
Kensho became
from 4 beautiful puppies.
information on their own
page H-litter
expected! -
16 May 2019:
If all goes
well we expect
puppies from our Chanty and our Kensho around 19th of June. It will be
the first litter from Kensho so we are very excited to welcome
first offspring. Chanty has already proven to be a good mum and have
given beautiful and healthy pups in the past.
For more information see

Happy Holidays - 24 December
Kennel van het
wishes you Merry Christmas and a joyfull and healthy 2019!

Welcome Nusia - 15 December
We have a new
girl. Welcome
Nusia. Thank you Agata for this wonderful girl!
HCN Clubmatch - 21 October 2018:
Vano has done
one show only but
he did great!!
He became first with young puppy (3 males) and became best young puppy,
thanks to judge Wilma Strijbos for the wonderful comments.
Welcome Valentino
- 3
Today we have a
new boy for our
Kennel who will live with a good friend of ours. He is a great addition
for our girls!
Thank you Nancy for this gorgeous boy.

Gigi not suitable
for breeding - 26 August 2018:
Gigi has been
diagnosed with
Cataract (cortical). We are very sad to hear but relieved that probebly
she will not go blind. Our dream is destroyed we will never have
puppies from our beauty queen. Gigi will be

Happy New Year - 31th of
December 2017:
We wish you all
the best, joy,
luck and health for 2018!
Operation Jolly - 24th of
December 2017:
On Christmas
eve our Jolly was
operated due to pyometra. We are happy she has a gorgeous litter and we
hope to maintain her breedinglines. We pray she will recover soon. We
are so very proud that she still wants to take care of her
Holland Cup and
Winner Amsterdam - 8th and
9th of December
entered the youth class and is very proud of herself in the ring. She
walkes so lovely and presents herself very well. Judge Dirk
(BE) gave very nice comments got Excellent 1 and now is Dutch Youth
Champion. She also won BOB best of breed. In the afternoon she competed
with 20 other
dogs from group 9 and was selected with 5 other dogs but was not placed
eitherway we were very proud to be selected with the first 6 from group
9! Second day we got other judge from Finland and she was not
enthousiastic from the Havanese on this show almost everyone got Very
Good. So strange after the joy of yesterday. But our girl Gigi did
great and we are very proud of her!
The puppies
from Jolly and
Latino are born!
- 6th of December 2017:
Jolly and
Lationo became parents
from 5 beautiful puppies.
information on their own
page G-litter
KCWF Clubmatch - 19th of
November 2017:
entered the youth class. She walked with joy in the ring and loves to
show herself. Judge Leon
Scholten gave nice comments and she became first from the bitches. She
also won BOB best of breed. In the afternoon she competed with 9 other
dogs from group 9 and became 3th! Very proud of our lovely girl

There are 5
puppies born
from Chanty and Tommy!
- 06 November 2017:
Chanty and
Tommy became parents
from 5 beautiful puppies.
More information on their own page F-litter

- 09 October 2017:
Jolly has
had a love date
Latino. We hope their date was succesfull and will give beautiful
puppy's. If mother nature is sweet we expect around 10th of
December 2017 babies from these parents see also puppies.
Hondententoonstelling Zwolle - 7 and 8 October 2017:
first time in youth class and she did great. Both days she became first
with beautiful comments and Excellent 1. Sunday she got also res. CAC.
Judges were waren Sir P. Burema and Mrs. P. Runderkamp. We
enjoyed both days from our beauty that enjoys the showring.

Puppynews! - 11
September 2017:
Chanty has had
a love date with
Tommy. We hope their date was succesfull and will give
puppy's. If mother nature is sweet we expect around 8th
November 2017 babies from these parents see also puppies. Same
combination as this litter E-litter
Stichting Hondententoonstelling Rotterdam - 30 July
First dog show
in long time for
all three dogs. Because of personal issues I could not be there myself
but my daughter took care of it very well! Very proud of her how she
showed our dogs. Gigi
(Elé Mano
Gentis) was alone in puppyclass but got great comment from
Judge Ineke Zwaartman-Pinster and she got Very Promissing.
Then competed
against puppy boy and became Best
Puppy at the end of the day
she was in the ring of honor! After
was the turn for Jolly
also alone in youthclass and got lovely comment and got Excellent 1
also got the titel Benelux
Junior Winner NL
so we were
very proud of our girl who also entered the ring of honor at the end of
the day! Then the turn was for our Chanty
in open class she got Very Good
and became 4th. Very proud of our Hondenpaleis team.

Jongehondendag KCWF - 02 July
First show for
Gigi was great.
It was a show to get used of showing and with 4 judges. She got points
from each judge and the highest points won. All breeds are in same
category based on age 6 till 9 months. Gigi got first place! Very proud
of our little lady.

Welcome Gigi
(Elé Mano
Gentis) - 28
We have a new
girl in our home.
She is really great and sweet. We are so happy to have her!
Thank you Ramuné for this special girl <3
Homepage in
English! - 22
We now also
have our homepage in
Jolly 1
year! - 12 March
We are so happy
with our Jolly. She is wonderful!!
Happy birthday dear Jolly. We treated her on a special birthday
E-litter 1
year! - 12 March
congratulations to Bibi, Jipp,
Vinnie and Jolly on their first birthday.
easter! -
27 March
The puppies
from Chanty and
Tommy are born! - 12 March 2016:
We welcomed a
beautiful colourful litter from 2 males and 2 females. More information
on our page E-litter
Lovedate - 15
January 2016:
Chanty was on
date with beautiful Tommy.
Holidays! -
24 December 2015:
Holland Cup
Amsterdam -
11 December 2015:
Chanty and
Kensho on show.
Chanty kreeg Excellent 3 en Kensho Excellent 2.
Proud mommy!

KCWF Clubmatch -
15 November 2015:
Clubmatch from
our dog training school. Chanty became best of breed and won
from the youthful Kensho.

Clubmatch - 25 October
Clubmatch from
the association Havanezer Club Nederland.
Kensho became beste junior male and
Chanty became second in intermediair klasse.

IJsselshow and
Zwolle - 04 and 05 October 2015
- judges Mrs. B. Bear and Sir Th. Rohlin:
Chanty went
with my
friend Carolien to the dogshow.
She did great and got Excellent 1 became best bitch and best of breed
Very proud and many thanks to Carolien and Ruud for taking good care of
our girl.
Dogshow Maastricht - 26 and 27 September 2015
- judges Sir W. Wellens and Mrs. P.C. Zwaartman-Pinster:
First time that
my girl went to
a show without me. My friend Carolien took her for a weekend. She did
First day she got Excellent 2 and second day she got Excellent
and became best junior dog. She is now Dutch Junior Champion!

Rotterdam - 25 July 2015 - judge Mrs. Jeannette Larive (FR):
First show for
our boy
Kensho. He was a bit impressed and shy but walks proud for the judge.
He got very promissing and became best puppy.
Chanty enjoys showing and was so relaxed she got Excellent 1. Very
proud of the results.

Junior dog day
KCWF - 28 June 2015:
We had a very
nice day.
In the category 3-6 months became Kensho 3th from all
It is not a 'normal' show but for young dogs to explore showing.
04 June 2015:
Welcome Kensho from Hungary!
after long
waiting he is here. Our Valentine!
23 May 2015:
Tentoonstelling KC Arnhem!
Excellent 1
in junior class from judge Mrs. Toebak-van Valkenburg and
2th with the BOB selection. She enjoys the shows.
24 April 2015:
Chanty 1 year!